
For Data Collection

For data collection, we suggest you use a virtual server such as an Amazon EC2 instance or a DigitalOcean Droplet. Create and log into your server and install any necessary software packages. To use MmmTurkey, be sure to install Docker and Docker Compose. The following steps will help guide you through the process of downloading and setting up MmmTurkey.

First, clone and cd into the repo:

git clone

cd ./turkey

You will then need to set your SECRET_KEY (i.e., a password) and DOMAIN (i.e., the hostname or public DNS of your server) environment variables:

export SECRET_KEY=<your arbitrary secret key>
export DOMAIN=<your hostname or public DNS>

The next step is to start the Docker daemon and run the containers. Note that you may be required to start Docker as a root user. If this is the case, you must execute all docker commands (including those above) as root and set your environment variables as root as well. If this is the case, it may be easiest to log into a root environment with sudo su before setting your environment variables in the previous step.

service docker start
docker-compose up

In a new terminal, you can type docker ps to view running Docker containers. Look for a container with a name along the lines of turkey_web_1 (its image should be turkey_web). To connect to and run commands in this container, run the following command, substituting turkey_web_1 with the correct name of the container if necessary:

docker exec -i -t turkey_web_1 /bin/bash

The above steps can be followed the next time you use MmmTurkey, minus cloning the repository. Creating a superuser (e.g., admin) only needs to be done the first time you set up MmmTurkey unless you need to add more admins. In the Docker container you just connected to:

cd ./turkey
python createsuperuser

If your server is configured correctly to accept incoming HTTP traffic, MmmTurkey should now be ready and accessible via your web browser. Navigate to http://hostname/admin, where hostname is the hostname of your instance, in your browser and you should reach the login page. You can log into the dashboard using the credentials you just entered in.

You will be prompted for your email address, a username, and a password. Once you have finished, you can then log in to the MmmTurkey dashboard in your browser using your credentials. The setup should then be complete. You are now free to create new tasks or view or export data for previous tasks if you have already created some.

For Local Development

For local development, we suggest the use of Docker and virtual environments. Once you have the virtualenv package installed and Docker and Docker Compose installed, the following steps will help guide you through the process of downloading and setting up MmmTurkey.

First, clone and cd into the repo:

git clone

cd ./turkey

Once you have virtualenv installed, you will need to create, setup, and start your virtual environment. You will need to install the following packages before running pip install (Ubuntu):

  • libpq-dev
  • python3-dev
  • build-essential
  • libjpeg-dev

Else, your dependency installation may fail. See this issue for reference.

virtualenv -p python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r ./web/requirements.txt

You can run following steps to start the server to view and test the framework. Note that you may be required to start Docker as a root user. If this is the case, you must execute all docker commands as root and set your DEBUG environment variable as root as well. If this is the case, it may be easiest to log into a root environment with sudo su before running these steps.:

export DEBUG=1

service docker start
docker-compose up

In a new terminal, you can type docker ps to view running Docker containers. Look for a container with a name along the lines of turkey_web_1 (its image should be turkey_web). To connect to and run commands in this container, run the following command, substituting turkey_web_1 with the correct name of the container if necessary:

docker exec -i -t turkey_web_1 /bin/bash

The above steps can be followed the next time you work on MmmTurkey, minus cloning the repository and creating and setting up the virtual environment. Creating a superuser (e.g., admin) only needs to be done the first time you set up MmmTurkey unless you need to add more admins. In the Docker container you just connected to::

cd ./turkey
python createsuperuser

MmmTurkey should now be ready to run locally for development on your machine. Navigate to http://localhost/admin in your browser and you should reach the login page. You can log into the dashboard using the credentials you just entered in.

You will be prompted for your email address, a username, and a password. Once you have finished, you can then log in to the MmmTurkey dashboard in your browser using your credentials. The set up should then be complete. You are now free to work on MmmTurkey.